About Us
Accountants for Small Business is located in Brendale, Brisbane. Our focus is small businesses that do not have the resources, or the workload to employ a full-time Financial Manager, yet require proper and accurate financial reporting on a monthly basis which will ensure the business will stay compliant with the ATO.
Richard Johnson is it’s principal accountant and tax agent.
Richard has a number of qualifications, namely a Ph.D. in Business Administration, Master of Business from Bond University, a Master of Commerce (Professional Accounting) from the University of New England as well as a Diploma in Financial Accounting. He is also a Justice of the Peace. He is a registered Public Accountant with the Institute of Public Accountants. He is also a registered Tax Agent through the Tax Practitioners Board of Australia.
He has been a financial director of over 40 companies in South Africa and has a wealth of experience knowledge from Australia, Zimbabwe, South Africa and the USA in the business field, especially within small businesses.
Richard’s business is supported by Janelle Green who is a qualified accountant with many years of experience.
Our Services
Accounting & Bookkeeping
Business Taxation
BAS & PAYG Returns
Payroll Adminstration
Business Strategy
Cashflow Projections
Contact Us
Phone 3881 1897
Email [email protected]
302 South Pine Road (cnr Leitches Rd)
Brendale QLD 4500
302 South Pine Road
Get in Touch

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